
Joni’s Retirement (June 4, 2024)

Posted on: June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024, marked a milestone in BS&J history as Jonelle “Joni” von Autenried, P.E. retired on her 40th Anniversary from the BS&J family.

Graduating two years prior from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Joni joined BS&J in 1984 when Ronald Reagan was President, and the original Ghostbusters was the #1 movie of the year. Joni’s passion for engineering was obvious from the minute she joined the team. Although her background was in Structural engineering, Joni began expanding into other areas such as Civil, Electrical, Environmental, and Mechanical engineering and excelled in each of them. Joni was instrumental in bringing Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) into the firm and was both a master and a teacher of the program.

Throughout Joni’s tenure she was a mentor to everyone at BS&J. In 2012, Joni was elected Vice President of BS&J and served until 2023 when she became one of the company Directors.

It would be impossible to list every project that Joni worked on in her forty years with BS&J; but it can be noted that every project benefitted from her experience and attention to detail. She formed many strong relationships with both clients and peers which is what also made her so special. The BS&J family wishes Joni nothing but the best in all her future endeavors. You will truly be missed by all!